Audrey Leighton Rogers Interview

Audrey Leighton Rogers is a talented fashionista and blogger in Durham, UK. Rogers writes and manages "Frassy," a blog on "the spontaneous overflow of fashion."
Frassy updates often with Leighton's musings, opinions and outfits of the day. She has been featured and interviewed in Teen Vogue, Grazia and Nylon. Rogers has even had a dress named after her, the "Frassy Dress," at
Rogers is intelligent and perceptive. It's a pleasure to read her blog, and it's also a pleasure to present this interview with her.
ENJOY YOUR STYLE: Tell us something about yourself.
AUDREY LEIGHTON ROGERS: I am fascinated with the 60s and all sorts of poetry. Currently find myself addicted to pastel shades and furs. I live on coffee and I speak Spanish.
EYS: If you could raid anyone's closet, and have all their clothes magically fit you, whose closet would you raid and why? You can specify a year, too, e.g. "Bjork's, in 1995"
ALR: It would have to be Catherine Baba's wardrobe. I used to have dreams that she was my grandmother.
EYS: What role does fashion play in your life?
ALR: Fashion is probably the most powerful creative role in my life, after writing. Clothes are a means of self-expression, potentially the most practiced art form in contemporary society, and so I guess fashion has developed as one of my favourite art forms.

EYS: What would you like people to know about you that they don't?
ALR: I'm obsessive compulsive.
EYS: What are your favorite sources for style inspiration, in general?
ALR: Lookbook provides endless ideas as well a handful of my favourite blogs. Vogue Paris editorials are inspirational as well.
EYS: You can only save one beauty product from your bathroom/bedroom. Which one do you save?
ALR: Mascara, every time. I was cursed with incredibly short eyelashes.

EYS: Complete this sentence: "I'm in love with...because..."
ALR: I am in love with London because eccentricity is met with such awe-inspiring approval.
EYS: Complete this sentence: "I wish..."
ALR: I wish I could have shared a bottle of booze with Edie Sedgwick.
EYS: If you could kick anyone's ass, in public, whose ass would you kick?
ALR: Paris Hilton. That girl is a disgrace to humanity.
Audrey Leighton Roger's Websites:
Be Frassy
About Audrey Leighton Rogers
Audrey Leighton Rogers on twitter
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