Browse by Name

This section allows you to browse by name(s) of actors, writers and directors from the movies in our style in film section.

Entries are listed by last name, unless the person goes by one name (e.g. Madonna, Beck) or by three names (e.g. Jin Seob Song), in which case the name is listed by the last of the person's three names. Which is, technically, their last name.


Ashby, Hal - director, Harold and Maude

Burke, Billy - actor, Twilight

Cohen, Etan - screenwriter, Idiocracy

Cort, Bud - actor, Harold and Maude

Dern, Laura - actress, Citizen Ruth

Doherty, Shannon - actress, Heathers

Enokido, Yoji (榎戸 洋司) - writer, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Facinelli, Peter - actor, Twilight

Falk, Lisanne - actress, Heathers

Fuchizaki, Yuriko - voice actress, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Gordon, Ruth - actress, Harold and Maude. See also: Ruth Gordon quotes


Hardwicke, Catherine - director, Twilight

Hedren, Tippi - actress, Citizen Ruth

Higgins, Colin - screenwriter, Harold and Maude

Hisakawa, Aya (久川綾) - voice actress, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Honda, Chieko (本多 知恵子) - voice actress, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Ikuhara, Kunihiko (幾原邦彦) - director, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Imai, Yuka (今井 由香) - voice actress, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Judge, Mike - director, screenwriter, Idiocracy

Kawakami, Tomoko (川上 とも子) - voice actress, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Kendrick, Anna - actress, Twilight

Koyasu, Takehito (子安 武人) - voice actor, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Kurtz, Swoosie - actress, Citizen Ruth

Kusao, Takeshi (草尾 毅) - voice actor, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Lautner, Taylor - actor, Twilight

Lehmann, Michael - director, Heathers

Meyer, Stephenie - writer, Twilight

Mitsuishi, Kotono - voice actress, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Nishihara, Kumiko - voice actress, Revolutionary Girl Utena


Oikawa, Mitsuhiro (及川光博) - voice actor, Revolutionary Girl Utena

Pattinson, Robert - actor, Twilight

Payne, Alexander - director, Citizen Ruth

Place, Mary Kay - actress, Citizen Ruth

Pickles, Vivian - actress, Harold and Maude

Preston, Kelly - actress, Citizen Ruth

Reynold, Burt - actor, Citizen Ruth

Rosenberg, Melissa - writer, Twilight

Rudolph, Maya - actress, Idiocracy

Ryder, Winona - actress, Heathers

Shepard, Dax - actor, Idiocracy

Slater, Christian - actor, Heathers

Smith, Kurtwood - actor, Citizen Ruth

Stewart, Kristen - actress, Twilight

Taylor, Jim - writer, Citizen Ruth


Walker, Kim - actress, Heathers

Waters, Daniel - screenwriter, Heathers

Wilson, Luke - actor, Idiocracy

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